Monday, March 15, 2010

A Pitcher of Margaritas?

Maybe I'm just on a blog-writing high, but I told my friend I'd blog about what happened to me today. So just una mas for the posting tonight. This one's for Tayler!

As I sit here writing this at 12:30 I myself am wondering why I'm up this late. Is it because because of the time change or the fact that I slept half of the day and have giant hospital boots going over my bandaged feet, therefore making it hard to get up? I'm going with the latter.

Today I went to the doctor at 6:30, yea, on Spring Break. Fun, right? I had to get a procedure done on my feet, and so they were nice and squeezed me in this week so I could play sports next week. I'd never had a surgery, procedure, or even put to sleep at the dentist, so I was kinda nervous today. It wasn't anything big, they just had to fix what I'm gonna call the "holes" in my feet, ha ha.

So I get there and they take me to my little prep area where they tell me the game plan. I started to get nervous when they put the IV in, and I definitely didn't believe them when they said it was the worst part. Next the Anesthesiologist came in and told me what he was gonna do. I guess he could tell I was being a baby because he told me he would give me something to make me relax. He told me it would feel like I just had a pitcher of margaritas, which I quickly responded I did NOT know what that was like. As he gave me this "anti-nervous" stuff I realized how ridiculous it all was. There were 5 people crowded around me just to fix some stupid holes in my feet- RIDICULOUS! I started giggling at this thought, I tried to hold it in but I couldn't. I felt rude because the doctor probably thought I was laughing at him, but I wasn't! Anyway, my mom asked me what was so funny and I couldn't answer her because by this time I was belly-laughing and could do nothing to stop myself! As they wheeled me away to the "surgery" area, and I'm sure I looked and sounded like a crazy person!

Apparently it was laughing gas they gave me.

To top it all off, I woke up to breakfast in bed (meaning a glass of orange juice)!
And they had let me use one of their short-sleeve Snuggies (meaning a hospital gown)!
Plus I got a cool bracelet with my name (called a hospital bracelet)!
And even a brand-new pair of shoes (which I don't think I can explain what they really are)!

So, once more I come to you, now 1 o'clock in the morning, telling you this ridiculous yet true story. Maybe you got a laugh from this, if not, maybe you can pretend there is some life-lesson attached. I'm gonna go wobble to bed in my new shoes :)

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