Sunday, August 22, 2010

Life Through the Eyes of a Nursery Worker

Andy loves Jesus, he has for quite some time. But Andy hasn't always gone to church as much as he does now. Because Emily was gone today, Andy volunteered to write the weekly bulletin post...

"People always ask me, "why work in the nursery?" My answer is always "1. Because it's fun. 2. I like to help. 3. I get community service hours," when in reality the answer was that I didn't want to go to church. For the longest time, I have not liked going to church. It always seemed boring, and I never got the message. A few years ago we got a new Pastor, Billy, that is really awesome. He seems in tune with the church family, and even the youth. He brings his message through video. The clips are always good and attention getting. This has made me start going to church more often and I feel like my faith keeps growing. So I just wanted to say thank you Billy for everything you do for this church. And for everyone not to be afraid to work in the nursery."

Andy wants Jesus, as do many young people today. So where are the young people in the church? Where are the two full rows of youth sitting in the front pews? The truth is they don't feel comfortable in the church, or feel there isn't a place for them.

Andy sits in his truck during Sunday School and listens to Christian music. My friend Christine hasn't always gone to church, yet she keeps herself spiritually in tune. Lots of students attend Fellowship of Christian Athletes at school but don't have a church they belong to. Sure, its important to have personal spiritual disciplines, but what can we do to make places for these people? And to "those people," don't be afraid to step out from your nursery-worker stance and immerse yourelf in a church family.

Monday, August 16, 2010


If you haven't noticed, I like mission trip.

A few months ago my parallel personality Morgan PettyJohn and I came up with a grand idea. We decided that in 2015, we want to travel back to Vivian, LA for a mission trip with our youth groups (that we both aspire to have.)
For those of you that are unaware, this is the place where Glen Rose and Davis Memorial first met, the Mecca of this great friendship if you will. So what better place could there be to take our future youth groups back to?

For me personally, this specific mission trip was life-changing. It was definitely one of the hardest weeks I have ever endured on a mission trip. It was one of those experiences that tore me down so that I could see God's love and grace shining through others and warming my heart. It was after this mission trip that I became that "church girl," and really started to act upon my call to ministry.

Nice little story, huh? My point is that these two youth groups have something special that was spurred by mission. There's a little spark I see in my friends' eyes when they talk about mission trip. Our conversations during Bible Study often involve people from Davis, just as if they were part of our own church family. Mission trip has made my group who it is.

Today Morgan and I decided to make these VL2015 t-shirts. We made them just for fun, kinda spur of the moment, but I feel that even though we never said it, we made the shirts for a different reason. We keep a piece of mission trip in our hearts forever. It is my hope that as we all graduate and grow-up, that we do not also grow weary in doing good, and that the mission does not stop after CTCYM. There is something special about mission trip, too special to loose.

So whether we actually go back to Vivian or not, it is my hope that we still go back to those feelings.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on to love and good deeds." -Hebrews 10:24

P.S. A link for those who want a shirt-

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thoughts for the Doodlers; Where do we Sit on Sunday Mornings?

Emily, my doodling buddy has one of the most tight-knit family I've ever seen. Sure, she's related to half of the people in Glen Rose, but not many people care about their family as much as her. This is what she has to say about her church family...or what she cared to write down on her bulletin today anyway...

"How often do we as youth catch ourselves running to sit with our church family (youth group) instead of our real family members. I want to all the time but I always sit with my family. That's not bad don't get me wrong, family is always important. But I truly believe that without our church friends there would be a void. Sounds a little strange but its true. I wouldn't have all the friends I do without them. Without Carly Payne who would drag me to Dallas for strange movies? I would definitely not have those crazy experiences. Amazingly worth it. They know you better than yourself sometimes. Sitting with them is like sitting with your family. Just your extended family."

I can't tell you how much I've grown to appreciate my fellow youth this past year. There are a collect few (whom I shall call the Fearsome Four) who have been around for a long time, and I can say we really do know each other better than ourselves sometimes (I'll blog about that later.) Our church family is important. Whose in yours?

*I'd also like to clarify that the movie wasn't crazy, it was about John Wesley and very educational :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Beans About it all...

I'm a lunch lady at GLC. Most likely those who are reading this are not (but hi to all my kitchen friends who are!) There's a lot of stuff that goes on in the kitchen in order to prepare a meal, more than I ever knew. But I think anyone who is able to click on a mouse to read this can understand the basic concept of a kitchen; to feed people.

People come through the serving line to get food (or at the very least be presented with it.) There is no doubt about it. If no one gives them food, they are going to go crazy, mess with all the salt and pepper shakers, and then go look for food somewhere else. Probably at Hammond's.

No one is going to pick up a spoon and not serve the campers their beans on Mexican-food night. They were hired based on the fact that they could do more than just be there, but actually serve. If they did just stand there, Karen would tell them to get to work or do it herself. The campers would not go unfed. When you are hired to work in the kitchen, it is your job to give the campers their beans, its not just going to happen.

It is obvious when people aren't being fed. In the kitchen, any report of people going hungry would be fixed immediately. So what's the difference between that and in living our lives as Christians? Why don't we hold others accountable when they aren't doing their job, or even if they aren't treating themselves properly? While we should always be an example of love, "being nice" about anything isn't going to feed people.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Shout Out to Bulletin Doodlers

The cool youth at our church hang out in the nursery before and after worship. We often out-number the children there. Today after church my friend Emily had written me a little note on her bulletin. It said this....

Church for those who doodle...

Many people think that if you don't pay attention to a sermon in church that it defeats the purpose of going to church at all. I'm here to say that is not completely true. Yes, I am one of those who doodle during church but what some don't realize is you retain a lot of info even if you don't stare holes into the preacher's head. That just makes you tired and them uncomfortable. Go figure. Sitting and just listening to the preacher talk about what they know can be just as productive as watching their every move. I'm not the type of person to go to church and hang on every word but it makes me think and gives me the chance to figure out how to be a great Christian. Just thoughts to think about for those who doodle...

This morning at the Men's breakfast (don't ask why I was there, ) one of my favorite lay persons, Hugh Smith, pointed out that worship doesn't mean praise. It is derived from work-ship. The things we do in mission are just as important, if not more than what we do Sunday morning. All forms of worship are vital, but we all get connected in different ways. With a changing church, its important to remember this as we welcome in (and are hospitable to) new people.

This is what Emily does to rest and reflect on the Sabbath.
The next time I give her the nudge to pay attention during church,
She can remember to poke me when I take extra long breaks on mission trip.

What does worship mean to you?

Monday, August 2, 2010

25 Things about GLC

1. I love hearing "CAMPERS!" before a meal.
2. I like it when people call me C-Payne.
3. I love walking down the silent trail and seeing the names of those who have help Glen Lake to be what it is, and the people who are who they are because of Glen Lake.
4. I live that Goatman lives there.
5. I love that Jesus lives there.
6. I like making strategies to get the corner bottom bunk in Cabin 11.
7. I like knowing that 50 years ago, my grandpa was walking around the same camp, seeing the same "lake," looking at the same little bubble of God's wonders as I see. He put a little piece of his heart there, and now I get to feel some of that love.
8. I like being a lunch lady, I really do.
9. I like riding around in the golf cart during retreat season.
10. I like hanging out with the campers during bedtime meds. Snap game, bagpipes, singing, whatevs.
11. I like the lingo that comes with being around Summer Staff.
12. I like making crafts.
13. I like it when people make me crafts.
14.I like taking home leftovers.
15. I love being able to go to worship almost every night of my summer.
16. I like it when campers do cool things, like tell about God's love.
17. I like coming during Midwinter and seeing the camp. Everything seems still, but yet full.
18. I love how almost anywhere you go in camp, the cross is still visible on the hill.
19. I like seeing the fountain frozen in the middle of winter.
20. I love meeting all these new people. Like I said in the last post, people that I will know forever.
21. I like seeing the best-place-to-poop-at-glc wars between LINKS and Staffers, shout out Ashlyn Kipp! (Turner wins.)
22. It's a central location in the conference, meaning lots of meetings I go to are there.
23. Jim Talley, 'nuff said.
24. Karen Cummins, one of the hardest workers I've ever known.
25. When I'm there I see lives changing. And when I sit on the steps of Vesper, I can imagine all the lives that have been changed there already.

Oh GLC, you bring me joy, joy in Jesus. Thanks.

25 Reasons I love SLT

I keep seeing these "25 Things" that my friends post as notes on Facebook. Usually, most of them pertain to SLT. So I decided to cut out the middle man and just dedicate this "25 Things" post all to the best SLT ever.

1. I like how they all love Jesus and it shows.
2. I love how all of us are different. We've got city punks, country bumpkins, band nerds, sporty kids, academic brainiacs, writers, technology buffs, artists, farmers, hippies, groupies, dancers, singers and even a few vegetarians. But because all these guys are filled with the Holy Spirit, the personalities don't clash but rather work together as one body. Its crazy how it works. Its beautiful.
3.I like how the Weatherford district keeps our table sign and writes all over it.
4.I like when my SLT friends come to Glen Lake and I get to hang out with them.
5.I love how when I need to vent or talk about things that bother me, my SLT friends actually relate to me.
6."Coconut meat? I can't have that, I'm allergic."
"And she's vegetarian."
7.I like how acronyms are a must in our conversations.
8.Its like a youth group on steroids.
9.I love that we care enough to have to run against each other to see who will be on a committee with people 3 times our age.
10.We randomly blurt out J-Wes quotes.
11.The fact that we have nicknames like J-Wes, C-Wes and the bish.
12.The cool kids have a Wesley Study Bible.
13.Ocean Hug.
14. I love Midwinters. Planning. Doing. Experiencing. Even at the cost of painted hair.
15. Eyeglasses of Potential.
16. I love getting to meet these cool people that I know will be around all my life!
17. I like it when Matt Epting gets pooped on by birds.
18. Or when Marianne gets an idea and does her secret shuffle.
19. Going to the Thursday night meeting at Brock UMC is the best thing I've ever done. Changed my life.
20. I like listening to Stef Schutz make a motion.
21. I like getting to sit by Marianne and Miller this year. Better watch out for the coalition!
22. I like going to Braums/Starbucks/Snow Shack after meetings. I feel like its almost required we do.
23. I think of the SLT when I pull out my sock puppet.
24. I love being in the Creepy Texas Conference.
25. There is not another group of people I would've eaten dumpster donuts with. I love you guys.

And that doesn't even touch the surface of how much of an impact they have on me.

Barbie Can Like, Save the World

"Does the image of God matter?"

Does it matter if you see God as black or white, man or woman, hands or feet? All of the people of the world have a different view of God, but it's still the same God, right? So the image of God shouldn't really matter, right?
The VBS program this year is called "Hero Headquarters," obviously, its superhero themed. As I was showing the preschoolers into the gym where we were going to do our last song and skit, one of the little girls, approached me.

"Where are we going next?"
"To the gym to dance and sing our last song."
"Are there gonna be superheros there?"
"Yea, I think so."

Her voice started to get really shaky like she was about to cry. She is obviously not a fan of Pizza-Man or Water-Girl. Being a former class cry-baby, I related to her situation pretty quickly (and to be clear, this girl is not a cry-baby.)

We sat outside the gym while we waited for the song to be over and for her mom to get there. I tried to console her by saying "Oh, they're not REAL superheros." "They're just pretending."
Didn't work too well.
She told me about how she liked princesses and barbies, not superheros. An adult then came up and said "you know, princesses can be superheros....Barbie can like, save the world."

My Bible Study teacher once told me that the image of God is important because you don't want it to be scary. I always thought that was kind of an odd statement, but its stuck in my mind, and shed a different light tonight. We should always be looking to expand our views of God so we can grow, but be sensitive to others when reaching out to those whose relationship with Christ might not be stable. You can't reach out to someone if you can't be relative to their views.

Maybe little Aubrey has a hard time seeing God through superheros, but maybe she can see Him through her favorite princesses Belle.