Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thoughts for the Doodlers; Where do we Sit on Sunday Mornings?

Emily, my doodling buddy has one of the most tight-knit family I've ever seen. Sure, she's related to half of the people in Glen Rose, but not many people care about their family as much as her. This is what she has to say about her church family...or what she cared to write down on her bulletin today anyway...

"How often do we as youth catch ourselves running to sit with our church family (youth group) instead of our real family members. I want to all the time but I always sit with my family. That's not bad don't get me wrong, family is always important. But I truly believe that without our church friends there would be a void. Sounds a little strange but its true. I wouldn't have all the friends I do without them. Without Carly Payne who would drag me to Dallas for strange movies? I would definitely not have those crazy experiences. Amazingly worth it. They know you better than yourself sometimes. Sitting with them is like sitting with your family. Just your extended family."

I can't tell you how much I've grown to appreciate my fellow youth this past year. There are a collect few (whom I shall call the Fearsome Four) who have been around for a long time, and I can say we really do know each other better than ourselves sometimes (I'll blog about that later.) Our church family is important. Whose in yours?

*I'd also like to clarify that the movie wasn't crazy, it was about John Wesley and very educational :)

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