Monday, August 2, 2010

Barbie Can Like, Save the World

"Does the image of God matter?"

Does it matter if you see God as black or white, man or woman, hands or feet? All of the people of the world have a different view of God, but it's still the same God, right? So the image of God shouldn't really matter, right?
The VBS program this year is called "Hero Headquarters," obviously, its superhero themed. As I was showing the preschoolers into the gym where we were going to do our last song and skit, one of the little girls, approached me.

"Where are we going next?"
"To the gym to dance and sing our last song."
"Are there gonna be superheros there?"
"Yea, I think so."

Her voice started to get really shaky like she was about to cry. She is obviously not a fan of Pizza-Man or Water-Girl. Being a former class cry-baby, I related to her situation pretty quickly (and to be clear, this girl is not a cry-baby.)

We sat outside the gym while we waited for the song to be over and for her mom to get there. I tried to console her by saying "Oh, they're not REAL superheros." "They're just pretending."
Didn't work too well.
She told me about how she liked princesses and barbies, not superheros. An adult then came up and said "you know, princesses can be superheros....Barbie can like, save the world."

My Bible Study teacher once told me that the image of God is important because you don't want it to be scary. I always thought that was kind of an odd statement, but its stuck in my mind, and shed a different light tonight. We should always be looking to expand our views of God so we can grow, but be sensitive to others when reaching out to those whose relationship with Christ might not be stable. You can't reach out to someone if you can't be relative to their views.

Maybe little Aubrey has a hard time seeing God through superheros, but maybe she can see Him through her favorite princesses Belle.

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