Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Disciple Bible Study Guy

Our youth group has been doing Disciple Bible Study this summer. This study can be pretty intense, and since its our youth doing it, we've got an interesting perspective on a lot of stuff. The guy in the video for example.
I come in late on Wednesday after I get off work. Usually the video clip we watch has already been seen and we're already into a discussion about Saul or Paul or what the color of the flames are in the Methodist cross (it's "PMS red" if you didn't know.) When I got there today I got to experience DBS guy. He looked like he was out of the 90s, had eyes that might scare you, and his torso rarely moved. He spoke as if he was narrating the history channel, and was shot from many awkward camera angles. As I saw this, I couldn't help but laugh. I tried to keep it in, but that didn't work out. The stuff this DBS guy was telling me was legitimate, but it was hard to get past all the weirdness so I could really hear him.

Okay, I'm not that shallow, I exaggerated a bit. But how important is it how Jesus is delivered to us? Certainly it is not the clothing or outward appearance, Jesus wiped down those barriers Himself. But when we don't deliver Jesus to people in a way its relevant to them, they're likely to miss the point. Maybe that's why Jesus came as common folk, so it would be relevant and we could understand Him better.

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