Friday, June 24, 2011

Us and Them

I was checking my Twitter when I noticed that someone I don't know had tweeted a link to me saying "If you're interested in God or Christianity..." When I clicked on the link it was a video of a speaker at some sort of conference giving his argument against the existence of God.

I'll tell you the truth, my first reaction was to exit out of the video, but I didn't. Actually, I watched it through twice. I learned something that I probably wouldn't have learned if it was a link to a sermon or the Skit Guys. By opening ourselves to listen we create a space of vulnerably, a space that allows us to think, or dare I say it, be wrong.

When we assume our views right on just about everything, we shut out a will to learn. No matter what religion or beliefs, everyone is yearning to believe in something beyond ourselves.

So no matter who you are, I believe this holds true.

The Christian is a child of God.
The Jew is a Child of God.
The Buddhist is a child of God.
The atheist is a child of God.

Nothing can break that bond, we are all the same people. Thinking in terms of "us" without the "them" opens a dialogue for us to think and let think. We won't agree on everything-we don't have to, but as Christians we are called to love one another NO MATTER WHAT.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is don't be scared to get off your high-horse and look around a bit. You never know where you'll find God.

Woah, I didn't know something productive could come out of spammer tweets. That is, if blogs are considered productive.


  1. LOVE this! & I especially appreciate it at 3:00am; it's a refreshing blog post to read whilst at a jr high lock out...
