Saturday, March 26, 2011


"Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds."

Today the NHS joined with Christmas in Action volunteers around the community. We were split into four teams doing painting, yard work, demolition plus some. I got the opportunity to be in group 4, the demolition team. I should've known just by the people in my group that it was going to be a great day. The energy within my group, with that group of people I've known for a long time, some since Pre-K was a sight to see.
After we got there we started talking stuff out of a house that burned down a few weeks ago. We salvaged what we could, but most of it was put on a dump truck. While we were doing this we happened to find a Bible that had been in the house. It was in perfect condition, it had not been touched in the fire. Someone placed it on a stump to save it, but when the dozer came we realized we had left it sitting there on the porch. Thankfully, one of my favorite mission trip volunteers, Rick-Roll stopped the bulldozer for a second and saved the day.
Now I know NHS isn't a religious organization, but what happened next was pretty cool. As we watched the house being torn down, Dallas and Teryl opened up the Bible to random pages until they found a verse in Deuteronomy that applied to the work we were doing, and how we are charged to help one another.
Because Christ was in the center of our site, we had joy in serving. Because we knew we were working for something bigger than ourselves, getting dirty and smelling like smoke didn't really matter. Because we had our eye on God who keeps us going, getting cuts, bruises and nails in our shoes didn't bother us too much. Coming together at lunch to pray together, not because we were told to but because we wanted to showed me just how much God has blessed me and the lives of my peers.
We had Joseph and Will jumping on top of the dump truck, Kevin and Collin trying to karate-shop walls, Weston laying down a beat for us. We had Brady taking pictures, Jessie and Dallas keeping us all upbeat... and that's not even half the workers at our site! We all grew together throughout the day, the past year and I guess just generally in our lives. When I go off to college next year, these guys have set the standard pretty high. Serving together inspired me, it reminded me to serve with a cheerful heart and to be glad in the Lord. Throughout my high school experience, Christmas in Action was one of my favorites. A great day for the NHS, especially the seniors, to give back to the community and the God that has blessed us so greatly.

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