The cool youth at our church hang out in the nursery before and after worship. We often out-number the children there. Today after church my friend Emily had written me a little note on her bulletin. It said this....
Church for those who doodle...
Many people think that if you don't pay attention to a sermon in church that it defeats the purpose of going to church at all. I'm here to say that is not completely true. Yes, I am one of those who doodle during church but what some don't realize is you retain a lot of info even if you don't stare holes into the preacher's head. That just makes you tired and them uncomfortable. Go figure. Sitting and just listening to the preacher talk about what they know can be just as productive as watching their every move. I'm not the type of person to go to church and hang on every word but it makes me think and gives me the chance to figure out how to be a great Christian. Just thoughts to think about for those who doodle...
This morning at the Men's breakfast (don't ask why I was there, ) one of my favorite lay persons, Hugh Smith, pointed out that worship doesn't mean praise. It is derived from work-ship. The things we do in mission are just as important, if not more than what we do Sunday morning. All forms of worship are vital, but we all get connected in different ways. With a changing church, its important to remember this as we welcome in (and are hospitable to) new people.
This is what Emily does to rest and reflect on the Sabbath.
The next time I give her the nudge to pay attention during church,
She can remember to poke me when I take extra long breaks on mission trip.
What does worship mean to you?
I love you, Carly! You should make a tumblr. I
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