I keep seeing these "25 Things" that my friends post as notes on Facebook. Usually, most of them pertain to SLT. So I decided to cut out the middle man and just dedicate this "25 Things" post all to the best SLT ever.
1. I like how they all love Jesus and it shows.
2. I love how all of us are different. We've got city punks, country bumpkins, band nerds, sporty kids, academic brainiacs, writers, technology buffs, artists, farmers, hippies, groupies, dancers, singers and even a few vegetarians. But because all these guys are filled with the Holy Spirit, the personalities don't clash but rather work together as one body. Its crazy how it works. Its beautiful.
3.I like how the Weatherford district keeps our table sign and writes all over it.
4.I like when my SLT friends come to Glen Lake and I get to hang out with them.
5.I love how when I need to vent or talk about things that bother me, my SLT friends actually relate to me.
6."Coconut meat? I can't have that, I'm allergic."
"And she's vegetarian."
7.I like how acronyms are a must in our conversations.
8.Its like a youth group on steroids.
9.I love that we care enough to have to run against each other to see who will be on a committee with people 3 times our age.
10.We randomly blurt out J-Wes quotes.
11.The fact that we have nicknames like J-Wes, C-Wes and the bish.
12.The cool kids have a Wesley Study Bible.
13.Ocean Hug.
14. I love Midwinters. Planning. Doing. Experiencing. Even at the cost of painted hair.
15. Eyeglasses of Potential.
16. I love getting to meet these cool people that I know will be around all my life!
17. I like it when Matt Epting gets pooped on by birds.
18. Or when Marianne gets an idea and does her secret shuffle.
19. Going to the Thursday night meeting at Brock UMC is the best thing I've ever done. Changed my life.
20. I like listening to Stef Schutz make a motion.
21. I like getting to sit by Marianne and Miller this year. Better watch out for the coalition!
22. I like going to Braums/Starbucks/Snow Shack after meetings. I feel like its almost required we do.
23. I think of the SLT when I pull out my sock puppet.
24. I love being in the Creepy Texas Conference.
25. There is not another group of people I would've eaten dumpster donuts with. I love you guys.
And that doesn't even touch the surface of how much of an impact they have on me.
This was awesome! Thanks for sharing!