Sunday, August 22, 2010

Life Through the Eyes of a Nursery Worker

Andy loves Jesus, he has for quite some time. But Andy hasn't always gone to church as much as he does now. Because Emily was gone today, Andy volunteered to write the weekly bulletin post...

"People always ask me, "why work in the nursery?" My answer is always "1. Because it's fun. 2. I like to help. 3. I get community service hours," when in reality the answer was that I didn't want to go to church. For the longest time, I have not liked going to church. It always seemed boring, and I never got the message. A few years ago we got a new Pastor, Billy, that is really awesome. He seems in tune with the church family, and even the youth. He brings his message through video. The clips are always good and attention getting. This has made me start going to church more often and I feel like my faith keeps growing. So I just wanted to say thank you Billy for everything you do for this church. And for everyone not to be afraid to work in the nursery."

Andy wants Jesus, as do many young people today. So where are the young people in the church? Where are the two full rows of youth sitting in the front pews? The truth is they don't feel comfortable in the church, or feel there isn't a place for them.

Andy sits in his truck during Sunday School and listens to Christian music. My friend Christine hasn't always gone to church, yet she keeps herself spiritually in tune. Lots of students attend Fellowship of Christian Athletes at school but don't have a church they belong to. Sure, its important to have personal spiritual disciplines, but what can we do to make places for these people? And to "those people," don't be afraid to step out from your nursery-worker stance and immerse yourelf in a church family.

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