Going along with my pineapple theme, yesterday I found a whole can of pineapples God had left for me. And no, not those little one-serving cups, I mean the family value can! Therefore, this day is being split into at least two parts. Here it goes...
Last week I got asked to preach at Waples UMC, which is a small church in Granbury. It was a little bigger than Temple Hall UMC, and I was excited that the DS was still thinking of the youth lay speakers when asking people to fill in. When I got to the church I met some of the congregation that was getting ready for Sunday school. They told me there were three classes and showed me where the young adult class was. I thought it was pretty awesome that they made a point to have these classes in such a small church, and even though I was the only young adult that day (the others were sick or away) it made me feel important.
When we got to the service I felt even more the energy in that little church. They were alive in their ministries, talking about the baby shower they had and the "field trips" they were going on-it was impressive. Even more impressive was at the end of the service when they all circled up and sang "Sweet Sweet Spirit." And this was not the normal singing, this was like revival-time singing! We literally lifted out arms in praise! The man next to me and the little boy across were dancing! And I don't care how cheesy or cliche this sounds, but it was just like the song says-there were sweet expressions on each face, and after that song we were revived because the Holy Spirit had filled the place!
I used to think of little country churches as the ones with a bunch of older people sitting around not changing their ways for anything (maybe not to that extent but you get the jist.) But these past few weeks have shown me that there is much more. These people don't go to church for the fru-fru of it all, they go because they want to have church, and think its important. Its people like the members of Temple Hall and Waples UMC that keep churches going through their servant leadership.
Take it as you like, it's just a tidbit of Christ I saw and wanted to share :)
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