Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Getting Pumped for those Tiger Cards!

Every year our athletic boosters sell Tiger Cards, which is a card that you can get discounts around town with-exciting right? Well it gets better, we sell them after school for one day and one day only. Yes, that's right. For 3 1/2 hours after school, our little town is swarmed with crazy high school kids driving around and freshman desperatly running all around town in a frantic effort to sell the 10 we are given. Just when you think you've found the best place to ask people, you're told lots of kids have already been to. When you finally get a sale you're excited! By the end of the night hundreds if not a thousand people have a Tiger Card. Aren't you glad you don't live here?

What if for one day, or one afternoon, we all went out in a similar swarm, but to go help people. I know what you're thinking; another one of Carly's crazy mission schemes-but stick with me. What if hundreds of kids frantically ran around in efforts to help someone? What if people had multiple students ask them not if they wanted to buy something, but if they could help them? If we can make all that money for athletics in that short time, how much could our community be helped? I realize its a lot more complicated than that, but I just thought it was a cool thought. Mission Raid 2011. Ha.

No Pineapple stuff for today-the people at the Sno Cone Shack didn't buy any Tiger Cards from me.

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