Every church should have a creepy Jesus, right?
You know what I mean, one that's just there in the hall or SS room and has been there forever?
Someone probably donated it to the church back in 1882....
... But let's face it, it's kinda creepy.
Chances are you don't usually say anything (well maybe to a few people), because you wouldn't want to offend Jesus by calling him creepy.
As I reached Coweta FUMC, just one week ago, one of the first things I noticed were the stained glass windows upstairs. One was a cross and flame, and the other...creepy Jesus.
I unpacked in the upstairs youth room, which was great. I got a whole corner to myself and I could look out the window and look down on the gym and kitchen. I guess I like that because I myself am creepy, but whatever.
We went to bed Sunday night, but I still had to finish my message for Monday and I wanted to journal about all that had happened that day. It was too dark to write, so I went into one of the closets in the corner of the room. The light was already on, but I couldn't find the lightswitch. I looked up and then it hit me that this light didn't turn off because it was the room that lit up creepy Jesus!
I'm not sure why, but as I sat down against the door and started to write, the creepy Jesus wasn't as creepy as before. The day had been hard for me and I was tired. I was concerned about how I would be changed that week, and even wondered if I would be. As I continued to write I could hear the Lord speaking to me, telling me what to write down. This is the part where you might stop reading because you think I'm crazy, but at one point I looked up and it was like the window Jesus smiled at me in approval. It's crazy I know, and I don't think it matters whether it really happened or not. However, whatever did happened there "strangely warmed my heart," and it was like God saying "I'm gonna be here with you, don't worry."
At this point I broke down just asked that I WOULD be changed. I realized that I did need to be redefined. I knew it would still be hard but I went to bed praying that I would be prepared for whatever God had in store.
That little corner of the church, that little closet, was my personal sanctuary for the week. It was a quiet place where I could be alone with God and try to wrap my head around all He was doing. I went there after a long day when I needed time to focus. I went there after worship Monday night when I just wanted to be alone and not deal with anything around me. It was MY place.
Who would've thought a creepy Jesus could be so cool?
I don't think God is offended when we call out a creepy Jesus, as long as we can look beyond it.
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