Lately, a trending topic among my friends has been worship clapping.
Worship Clapping (v.)- The act of
awkwardly clapping, usually, but not always, performed by youth and children, after a heartfelt action or ritual during worship.
We've all been there. Maybe you've been the "victim." Maybe you just gave the best testimony of your life, or simply read the scripture. As a servant of God you want people to see God through you, and clapping doesn't help.
Today I went to worship and later reflection time at
GLC. During reflection, which is a quiet time with songs and prayers by the lake, I witnessed the awkward clapping. Even after they were asked not to clap and just to reflect, some who may not have been listening before, did anyway.
I tried my best to not be
frustrated and think about when I was in their shoes. When I was their age, If someone had given a message that spoke to me, I wouldn't have told them... but I would've wanted them to know somehow that it was appreciated. If someone sang a beautiful song, I would've wanted them to know they sang to my soul...but I still wouldn't tell them. I valued what I heard as a younger youth, as I think these kids do. I think I probably clapped. Yea, maybe it sometimes was because I didn't know what to do, but usually because I had heard something from God and I wanted to praise Him for it! And that's how I felt comfortable doing it!
Maybe some kids were sleepy at worship and didn't want to clap, maybe some of them really wanted quiet prayer, but at that point in my life
I showed it by clapping.
Kudos to those junior highers who don't follow the mold! Kudos to the ones that lift up their arms and sing or go to the alter to pray when no one else does! For the first time in their lives these youth are starting to branch out. They are starting to make their own faith by taking risks and putting themselves out there. Sure, they might do some weird stuff sometimes, and it might be out of place, but maybe that's their place for the moment.
Maybe I should stop pretending I'm the victim and just let God do His stuff.
As the summer continues, I pray I look, at the disciples growing within these kids. I pray that I hear not the clapping they make, but the joyous noise that comes from their heart.
That said, you can check out some of what my friends say about worship clapping below, and that'll give you some insight on how this all started. I'd like to say before you read it though to know that each blog is right. Don't compare these blogs, because one is a banana, one is a cat and the other is yellow (I'm yellow though, for the record.) Each was written at a different time and with different emotions but the same intent-to glorify God.
Marianne Brown (my twin!)
Ethan Gregory (that tall kid you've seen somewhere before)
What's your stance on worship clapping?