And, if your church has never been awkward, I suggest you change something. Here's a quick top 10.
10.When you're forced to sit in a different pew.
9.The awkward moment when you don't know how to pronounce Nebakanezer.
8.Being the lay leader when they leave your mic on during the hymns. Can you say "solo?"
7. When you realize you didn't bring anything for the potluck.
6. The pause when the Childrens' Sunday School class asks you how Santa fits into the Christmas story.
5.The Jesus juke-
4.The pressure you feel as the offering plate is passed and you forgot your tithe that week.
3.When you have to leave during the middle of the service and you realize you're sitting in the middle of a pew.
2.The awkward moment when you tweet something awesome the pastor said and recieve dirty looks for having your phone out.
1.When the music stops, but you keep singing.
The good news? God has grace, and lots of it.